Your TV remote is an important part of your household, and it’s only going to become more important as modern televisions continue to phase out buttons on their devices and transfer them all to remotes. Some TVs can’t even turn on without their remotes.
TV remote controls are wireless and easy to lose, so it’s likely you’ll have to replace them at some point. So how can you replace that lost or broken remote?
Buy a Universal Remote
Universal remotes can be programmed to work with your TV as well as your other entertainment systems, like sound systems and Blu-ray players. They offer you the convenience of controlling multiple devices with a single remote.
Unfortunately, finding or searching for universal remote codes can be a pain, and you may find the device you buy a universal remote for may not even be compatible with it after searching through a code pamphlet for half an hour.
Universal remotes also cut down on functionality, restricting users to only the most basic commands. If you’re looking for all in one remote controls and you don’t use your device’s complex functions, this option might be for you. If not, keep reading.
Download a Universal Remote App
Universal remote apps are gaining popularity as replacement remotes, especially as companies like Google begin to release their own TVs. You’re less likely to lose them, since they’re right on your smartphone, and they can be downloaded on several different smartphones or tablets so you always have control.
They still aren’t ideal TV remote replacements, though. Your phone may be charging or dead, restricting your access to your TV, or you may inconvenience anyone who doesn’t have a smartphone and wants to watch TV while you’re out. They also face many of the same limitations as universal remotes.
Buy a TV Remote Replacement
A brand name replacement remote will allow you to enjoy all the functions of your device easily, without wondering whether a universal remote will fulfill all the same functions or not. You can often buy TV remote replacements that are identical to the remote that you lost, which means you’ll have all the same functions you knew and loved and you’ll be able to use your device to it’s fullest potential. Reference links.