This is the first time in years that you have been ready for Christmas this early.
It is only the second of December, but you already have all of the trees in the house up and decorated. Your husband has put a live tree on the front porch and draped greenery across the front porch, as well as hung the lights on the street trees in front of the house. Even more unbelievable, you have all of the presents purchased and already wrapped.
In spite of having the entire house ready, you still feel a little less festive than you want. You know that you have made all of the purchases that your girls had hoped for. You have even found several items that you think your husband will both like and be surprised about.
Why is it then that you are not really in the holiday spirit? Why is it then that you are not feeling the real spirit of Christmas even though the entire house is lit with the festive lights on the trees?
The Real Meaning of Christmas Is In Giving to Those Who Are Most in Need
If you find yourself lacking the real holiday spirit that you are looking for, maybe it is time that you reexamine your priorities. Instead of buying your teenage daughters another pair of expensive high end yoga pants, maybe it is time for you to give to someone who cannot even find a clean pair of pants to wear to school on Monday morning. instead of buying your husband another dozen crazy colored socks, maybe it is time for you to give a pair of shoes to someone who is looking for a new job. Instead of buying another set of headphones for your son, maybe it is time to buy some books for a new parent who wants to read at home with her children.
Luckily, American Red Cross clothing donations provide many people the opportunity to share what they have with those who are far less fortunate. Whether you want to donate shirts, pants, socks, and shoes or you want to donate other kinds of household items, Red Cross Donation Centers can help you connect with those who your help the most. In fact, American Red Cross clothing donations help people who are facing a natural disaster find a way to get through the night, the month, or the year. From used clothing donations to household item donations, it is important to make sure that you take the time to sort through the items that you are no longer using and see if they can be of use to someone else.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the charitable contributions that many Americans make and how those contributions impact the nation’s economy:
- The American Red Cross provides relief for families and communities in the form of blankets, food, blood and shelter 24 hours per day, 365 days a year.
- 564,708 people were homeless on a given night in the U.S. in the month of January 2015. Any of these people could benefit from American Red Cross clothing donations.
- Ranked by private donations, the American National Red Cross is the 13th largest U.S. charity. In the year 2014, for instance, the Red Cross received $687 million in private donations.
- Donations to selected charities are tax deductible for the value of the items that are donated.
- 63% of high net worth donors indicate that ?giving back to the community? was their chief motivation for making donations.
- On an international level, more than 14.3 million tons of donated American textiles help clothe people and families across the world.
American Red Cross clothing donations may be just the gift that you need to give to make sure that you are in the right kind of holiday spirit. All of those gifts under your tree may not be a real representation of the holiday spirit that you want to give to your children. Wouldn’t it be better if you helped your children realize that they very best spirit of Christmas is in giving to those who are most in need, not to those who already have too much.