Filing for divorce is not always easy. In fact, it can be extremely emotionally and mentally devastating if you were not expecting a divorce as well. However, when you want to get through your divorce and come out stronger and feeling better, you can do so by planning a proper divorce ceremony. Planning a divorce ceremony is not only a way for you to get closure, but it is also the perfect opportunity to get together with family and friends who will be there for you when you need them most.
Take Time to Heal

Divorce is not always easy or simple. In fact, some divorces and divorce proceedings can drag on for years, depending on the surrounding circumstances of the filing. Before you plan your divorce ceremony, it’s important to take time to heal as much as possible. Healing from a divorce will likely take time, especially if you have been married for years, or even decades.
If possible, spend time with family and friends as you readjust to living on your own. This will help you to adjust without feeling overwhelmed or out of place. Having support is crucial during the healing time when going through a divorce, especially if you have not been independent or on your own for quite some time.
It’s also important to take time to get to know yourself again. From investing in new hobbies, activities, and exercise routines to exploring areas you have always wanted to visit, spending time on yourself will help to expedite the healing process after any type of divorce.
Hire the Right Divorce Lawyer
Before you can begin planning your divorce ceremony, it’s important to hire the right local divorce lawyer. Retaining proper legal representation can go a long way in ensuring you are as protected as possible once the divorce is finalized. A divorce attorney will help guide you in the right direction, whether you have been served with divorce papers or you are filing for divorce yourself.
Advantages of Hiring a Divorce Attorney
A divorce attorney specializes in family law and handling divorces from start to finish. They are also well-versed in state laws regarding filing for divorce in the state you reside in. This can help to streamline the process of filing for divorce, allowing you to focus on real-life matters and handling your relationships while the paperwork is filed and completed on your behalf.
Finding the Right Divorce Lawyer
Whenever you are going through a divorce, proper legal representation is key. Even if you believe your divorce will go smoothly, it’s best to have the right lawyer by your side. Finding the right divorce lawyer is possible by seeking referrals and recommendations from those you trust who have already gone through a divorce. You can also seek out legal advice and representation online.
Seek local divorce attorneys online to learn more about the services they provide while also discovering verified testimonials from previous clients. Use testimonials to determine which legal counsel may be right for you based on the type of legal guidance and support you believe you will require.
Take Care of Yourself

Taking care of yourself after filing for divorce is essential before planning your divorce ceremony. If you are struggling with depression or you have not felt like yourself in some time, consider visiting a cosmetic and family dentistry office or an eye care centre to take care of your eyes, mouth, and teeth. This can help you to feel healthier and more confident in yourself, which is so important when going through a serious divorce.
For those who have struggled with addictions of any kind, including alcohol, drugs, or gambling, consider treatment centers or gambling counseling to help get you through this tough time. When going through a major life event such as a divorce, stress can cause you to return to bad habits, including gambling or using alcohol and drugs to cope. With the right counseling and/or treatment center, prevent going down the wrong path and instead, stay focused on rebuilding your life for the better.
If you are struggling with hair loss due to age or stress-related incidents, you can also consider potential hair plug solutions or, in some cases, even human hair wigs, depending on your personal style and tastes. Investing some time in yourself will help you to rebuild any self-esteem that you have lost since going through your divorce. Once you begin taking care of yourself again, you will feel excited about planning a divorce ceremony to celebrate the next chapter in your life.
Seek Out a Life Coach

When you are thinking of planning a divorce ceremony, consider hiring a life coach to help you through the process of healing and getting back on your feet. Life coaching services are not just for those who are interested in building a business or networking with other professionals. Life coaches can assist individuals through tough times that lead to transitions in life, such as going through a divorce.
Life coaches can help you to assess your own needs based on your personality and whether or not you are struggling with your confidence and self-esteem as a result of your divorce. They can also help you to pinpoint specific areas of interest in your career, hobbies, and even new relationships in the future. A life coach can assist you in boosting your confidence, so you feel worthy of going after anything you want in life, even if you are currently feeling the weight of your divorce.
Benefits of Hiring a Life Coach
Hiring a life coach isn’t just a way to distract yourself while going through a serious divorce. Life coaches are available to provide resources and useful advice that can be applied to help make your life easier at any point and time. Some of the most notable advantages of hiring a life coach while you are going through a divorce include:
- Self-reflection: A life coach specializes in helping clients with self-reflection and introspection. This is extremely helpful if you find it challenging to cope with the divorce and how it is directly affecting you.
- Self-esteem and confidence: Life coaches will work with you to rebuild any confidence and self-esteem that you may have lost while you were married or while going through your divorce. Rebuilding your confidence and self-esteem can help you to feel ready to take on the world and your future goals again, even when you are doing so on your own.
- Independence: Working with a life coach is ideal if you are scared of living on your own or being independent. The idea of living independently can be daunting, especially if you have lived with your spouse for years or decades. A life coach can help you every step of the way to ensure you are able to stand on your own two feet as you work towards setting and accomplishing both short and long-term goals.
- Direction: It can be difficult to choose which direction you want to go in after a divorce, regardless of your age and how long you have been married. If you’re unsure of where to begin, a life coach will help to guide you. By offering opinions, insight, and resources, you can determine exactly how you want to begin the next chapter of your life as someone who is confident and independent.
- Encouragement: You are likely to feel down and depressed at some point when going through a divorce. Your life coach can help you to dig your way out of feeling sad by providing helpful motivational tips and encouragement along the way.
Make Updates and Repairs Around the House
If you are going through a divorce but you intend to live in your home after the divorce proceedings are complete, consider investing in updates and repairs around the property. Completing updates and repairs will not only help increase the value of your home if you are thinking of listing it for sale on the market, but it will also help to make your house much more comfortable to live in once you are officially on your own.
Making updates to your home is possible by contacting local air conditioner repair companies or HVAC providers. You can also work with professional plumbers and electricians to ensure all of the electrical and plumbing work in your home is in proper order.
Sell Your Wedding Ring

Once you feel comfortable with the actual divorce you are going through and you are getting ready to plan your upcoming divorce ceremony, you may want to sell or pawn your wedding ring. Letting go of your wedding ring is not just symbolic, but it can also provide the perfect opportunity to put a bit of cash in your pocket. This can be extremely helpful if you are in the process of moving or relocating due to your divorce.
If you are thinking of selling your wedding ring, it’s important to conduct a bit of research to get the best deal possible. Research the type of wedding ring you own, how many carats the ring is, and the type of stone that is in the ring itself. This information can help you to generate ballpark estimates of the ring’s value, based on its overall condition as well. When you are ready to sell your wedding ring, you can do so by searching for a local gold buyer, or pawn shop, or even listing your ring online.
Plan Your Divorce Celebration Gathering
As you become more comfortable with the prospect of getting a divorce, you may feel ready to plan your divorce ceremony or celebration. To do so, you should keep the following in mind:
- Location: Where will you be hosting your divorce ceremony or gathering? Do you intend to do so at your own home or backyard? How much space will be available for the celebration you have in mind?
- Guest list: Who will you be inviting to your divorce gathering and ceremony? Are you only inviting friends, or will you be extending the invitations to relatives who are close to you?
- Theme: Is there a specific theme you want to implement into the ceremony? What type of environment do you want to present to your ceremony’s attendees?
- Dress code: Will you be requesting that your guests wear all-black or evening wear when they attend your ceremony, or are you interested in hosting a more casual gathering without adhering to a strict dress code?
- Food and drinks: Consider the type of food and drinks you will provide for all of your guests. Determine whether you will be preparing the food and beverages or if it’s best to hire professional caterers and bartenders to assist.
- Entertainment: Hosting a ceremony or celebration is never complete without some form of entertainment. From creating handcrafted music playlists to hiring a live band for entertainment for all of your guests, there are many ways you can improve the party-going experience for all of your guests.
- Activities: If you want to keep your guests entertained at all times throughout your divorce ceremony, consider the type of games and activities you will have available. From playing traditional board and card games to getting involved with interactive activities such as horseshoes and sports, your only limitation is your own imagination based on who you plan to invite.
Once you have the basics down, you can then reach out to local services that can help you to streamline the planning process of your upcoming ceremony. Contact a local table and chair rental company to inquire about the types of chairs and tables available to rent as well as rental prices. Working with local party planners to determine what type of decor is right for your ceremony’s setting, whether you are hosting your event indoors or outside.
Planning your divorce ceremony does not have to feel sorrowful or negative in any sense of the word. Once you have taken time to process your divorce and heal from any trauma you have experienced, you can plan a divorce ceremony that is joyful and allows you to embrace your next life chapter. The right ceremony to celebrate your divorce will help to reassure you that you are worthy and that you have all of the love in your life that you need already.