Mobility issues are a common problem for many here in the United States. From those who have disabilities to those who are over the age of sixty five and face many of the common problems dealt with by the elderly population, getting from place to place in a safe and efficient matter can be a difficult thing for many people. For those who struggle to navigate the world, independence can be difficult to come by.
And the consequences that can result from untreated and unmanaged mobility issues are often high. In fact, a new elderly person who has fallen and become injured at home is seen in an emergency room at least once every eleven seconds. This amounts more than two million emergency room visits over the course of the year.
For many people, even being in their own home can be dangerous once mobility issues have developed. In fact, it is estimated that up to half of all falls, a solid fifty percent, occur within the home environment. And if the person who has fallen lives alone, their life can be at risk. This can cause many elderly people to need to live outside of their home in a place such as an assisted living facility, something that many do not want to do and wish to avoid at all costs.
After all, the loss of independence can be a truly devastating thing, especially when the person in question has been independent for much of their lives. Needing to move away from the home that they have kept for what is often very many years and with many memories built into it can be a truly devastating thing. Moving away from family and friends can also be devastating.
The use of mobility aids can prevent this from happening, at least for some period of time. The use of mobility aids is common as well, as more than four and a half million people use canes, decorative canes, and walking sticks alone. Even more people use other types of mobility aids throughout the country as well as throughout the entirety of the world, totaling nearly seven million people.
Canes in particular are popular though, and become more and more common as a person ages. When you look at the typical population of sixty five year olds in the United States, you find that at least ten percent are already using canes like walking canes or decorative canes. By the time that such people reach the age of eighty five, very nearly forty percent of the population will be using a cane, often in addition to other mobility aids.
And canes come in many shapes and sizes. From decorative canes to palm grip canes to folding canes, the options are endless and there is almost definitely the right cane out there for you. For those who are looking for a little more stylistic flair, decorative canes might be the right choice for you. Decorative canes provide not only fashion but function as well, giving you the decorative boost that you need in your life when walking with decorative canes.
When you own a cane like decorative canes or even wooden canes, you can use your cane as much or as little as you would like. Some people use a cane for stability only and can go about their homes without it for the most part. On the other hand, many people use canes like decorative canes to move about pretty much all the time. Both are good uses of canes, and different types of canes are likely to be better suited to different types of usage.
From canes to walkers to wheelchairs to a home that has been accommodated to meet mobility needs, there are many ways in which the elderly as well as people who have various disabilities can maintain their independence to a considerable extent. For many people, maintaining this independence is key, and is one of the most important factors of their lives. Using mobility aids such as decorative canes and the like can make it a reality in America.