Garage doors are some of the most regularly used appliances in your home. They are used on a daily basis and over time will be damaged by wear and tear. This video explains how to replace an old garage door so you can improve the functionality and aesthetics of your home.
The first thing you want to do is to check the dimensions of the existing garage door. You need the right measurements to get the right replacement parts. Double-check the new panels when they arrive to make sure they’ll fit in your doorway.
Next, you need to remove the older door. Put clamps on the track of the overhead door to prevent it from slamming shut after the springs are released. Be careful working on the springs, too; the tension can seriously hurt you if it is released suddenly. Consult your owner’s manual to see how to properly remove them.
After the old door is removed, layout all of the components of the new garage door. Keep the parts organized so that installation goes smoothly. Start with the bottom panel and work your way up. For more information on garage door installation, click on the link above.