Parents have a responsibility to oversee their child’s education. Many parents send their children to private schools. According to Our Kids, many parents cite their top reasons for choosing a private school as the availability of smaller class size and student achievement opportunities. Other parents prefer a faith-based curriculum, including a regular class in Bible studies or doctrine.

The smaller class sizes offered by private schools can give students a better opportunity to attract the teacher’s attention. Another of the advantages of small class sizes is the teacher’s ability to control the class’s discipline. According to Fatherly, the average size of a public-school class is 25, while private school classes are seldom larger than 19. That difference in size can lower the tension in a classroom considerably.
Before choosing a private school for your child, it’s always a good idea to tour the school during regular class hours. As you walk in the halls, check the demeanor of the students in class activities. If possible, wait to see how the students pass through the hallways between classes, since the students’ energy and behavior in the halls can tell you a lot about the true atmosphere of that school.
Parents have a responsibility to oversee their child’s education. Many parents send their children to private schools. According to Our Kids, many parents cite their top reasons for choosing a private school as the availability of smaller class size and student achievement opportunities. Other parents prefer a faith-based curriculum, including a regular class in Bible studies or doctrine.
The smaller class sizes offered by private schools can give students a better opportunity to attract the teacher’s attention. Another of the advantages of small class sizes is the teacher’s ability to control the class’s discipline. According to Fatherly, the average size of a public-school class is 25, while private school classes are seldom larger than 19. That difference in size can lower the tension in a classroom considerably.
Before choosing a private school for your child, it’s always a good idea to tour the school during regular class hours. As you walk in the halls, check the demeanor of the students in class activities. If possible, wait to see how the students pass through the hallways between classes, since the students’ energy and behavior in the halls can tell you a lot about the true atmosphere of that school.
The public debate on the merits of private schools versus public schools is replayed in thousands of homes across the country as parents try to decide which is the best school for their children. One factor that contributes to the success of private schools is the private school curriculum, with its emphasis on the fine arts, athletics and facilities to help students fulfill their potential. At every stage, from kindergarten to private elementary schools to high school, private school students perform better than their high school peers in different areas.
Public or private schools: what’s the difference?
There are a number of differences between public and private schools, which all add up to one outcome: private schools are better equipped to help students to achieve their full potential. Student success can be measured in many different ways, through student and parent engagement, standardized test results, as well as opportunities for participation in athletics and fine arts programs.
Studies have shown that both students and parents tend to be much more engaged with both academic and extracurricular affairs in private schools. Student apathy is a continuing problem at public schools, as reported by 21% of teachers. In private schools, only 4% of the teachers face the same problem. Likewise, in public schools, almost a fourth or 24% of all teachers report a lack of parental involvement. In private schools, by contrast, only 3% of teachers encounter this problem.
Student success in academic performance
Test scores and college admissions are generally considered to be measures of student success. There is a wide gap in these when comparing public and private schools. When it’s comes to the school-leaving SAT scores, student scores in private schools average around 1235 nationally. This is considerably higher than the national average of 1060, for all schools combined. SATs are one factor that colleges take into account when deciding on admissions, and private schools have an excellent overall record in this areas as well.
Private school students tend to be more focused on continuing their education after graduation, and guidance counselors in private schools report that they spend about about 55% of their time talking with students on college-related issues, while for public high school counselors, only 22% of the time they spend talking to students is on college-related counseling. The outcomes reflect this trend, with an overwhelming majority or 95% of students from non-parochial private high schools going on to seek higher education in four-year postsecondary institutions as compared to only 49% of graduating students from public schools.
Why the private school curriculum makes a difference
About one fourth of all schools in the U.S. are private schools. They range from private elementary schools to high school. One thing they all have in common is a curriculum that sets them apart from other schools. This includes an emphasis on both the fine arts and sciences, with facilities for both. Students have access to laboratories, digital textbooks, art, music, and dance classes, and even summer programs for the arts as well as academics.
Private schools are also able to invest in athletics facilities. The wide range of opportunities available to students means that they can develop their skills and talents, discover the fun and excitement of creativity or participating in sports, and fulfill their potential. As a parent, there are many factors you have to take into account when choosing a school for your kids. From private elementary schools to high schools, an arts curriculum and strong athletics programs help your child develop in an all-round manner and gain the confidence to meet future challenges.
Parents who are trying to pick the best schools for their children must take a number of factors into account. Private schools, from private elementary schools to middle schools to high schools offer students the opportunities to develop their potential in both academic and extracurricular fields.