Those of us who are blessed with families, jobs, food, clothing, and a roof over our heads don’t often spend a significant amount of time thinking about how we can help those less fortunate than us. Although 70% of the American population contributes to charitable organizations every year, the 30% who don’t could potentially make a substantial impact if they chose to donate. Many people don’t realize that charitable donations involve more than money. Clothing donations, food and blood drives, and volunteering can be just as beneficial to those in need. Usually, the reasons people don’t donate boil down to not being fully informed about the cause or the need. Here are three specific reasons why people don’t donate — and how you can help to change their minds.
- They don’t know there’s a need
If a cause or a need is not brought to someone’s attention, there’s little chance of them seeking it out on their own. Many times, it’s not that people don’t want to donate — it’s that they’ve never been asked. That’s why visibility and marketing are so important for charitable organizations. Although Red Cross donations increase during the holiday season, some people don’t know the types of items that will help those in need the most or when they’re needed. School supplies and specific types of clothing donations are needed at different times of the year, and there’s always a need for surprising but necessary donations like personal hygiene items, umbrellas, and warm blankets. It’s essential to highlight the needs most people may not even know about and to do so throughout the year. - They think small donations can’t make a difference
A lot of people are under the impression that a small donation — whether it’s a monetary contribution or clothes donations — can make a difference. They may think they can make an impact only if they give a big amount, and there are those who can’t afford to do so. It’s important to stress the fact that any contribution, no matter the size, will make a huge impact in someone’s life. Even if you’re trying to balance a tight budget, you can eliminate clutter when you donate clothing or give up your extra cup of coffee in order to buy a pack of new socks, underwear, or a pack of pencils. When people understand that they don’t have to make undue sacrifices of their own in order to make a difference, they’ll be much more likely to give Red Cross donations. - They think it takes too much effort
We all lead busy lives and even scheduling a time to make a clothes donation can be difficult. But when Red Cross donation centers are highly accessible, people will be more likely to make a donation. The reason people give so much around holiday time is because they can prepare for it well in advance, so if there’s a push to prepare for other causes at different times of the year, people will be more willing to put in the time and effort. It’s important to communicate that Red Cross donations can be easily dropped off without a lot of scheduling or fuss on the part of the donor. They’ll be more likely to work a donation into their schedule if it’s easy and painless.
If you’re interested in finding out more about how you can give to a family in need through Red Cross donations, please contact us today. We need your help to make a difference in someone’s life.