If you’re planning a move, finishing up spring cleaning, redoing your home decor, or have just been struck by the urge to pay it forward, then you’re probably wondering where to donate household items to. Many Americans want to know what are the best charities to donate household items to, rather than simply kicking them to the curb where they’ll end up in the dump.
Of course, every city/state in the country has a number of local and regional charities, so rather than choosing specific charities and non-profits, let’s break this down by the type of charity. If you want to donate clothes, old furniture, kitchenware, or any other type of common household items, then any of the organizations on this list are a great place to start.
Veterans Charities and Charities for Wounded Soldiers
If you don’t belong to a church or aren’t sure where to donate household items, then there’s no more worthy cause than making veterans donations. It’s an easy, selfless way to give back to the Americans who have already given so much. In addition to helping military families, there are also non-profits that specialize in organizing Purple Heart or disabled veterans donations.
Look for wounded veterans charities or veterans groups pick up clothing donations.
Your Local Goodwill
Most Goodwill stores don’t actually make any money from selling clothes, but rather by providing jobs to people in need. However, many Goodwill locations are mainly staffed by people doing community service, often after being arrested. Even so, Goodwill locations do a lot of valuable work in the community and take all kinds of household items.
Refugee Shelters
Finally, consider donating household items to a local refugee shelter or advocacy group. Many people arrive in America with nothing more than the clothing on their back and horrible memories. Help these people get back on their feet with your lightly used clothing and household items.
Remember: if your old clothing isn’t in good shape, try to recycle it rather than simply tossing it in the trash! Most large cities have a recycling center that will take fabric, helping divert the 10.5 million tons of clothing that ends up in U.S. landfills each year!