In many cases, public adjuster services are necessary for helping you achieve the best results from your insurance claim. If your property was damaged by hail, tornadoes, winds, wildfires or floods, a public adjuster can be a great resource for you to have during the claim process.
However, there are some situations in which it just isn’t necessary to hire the help of a public adjuster.
To make sure you know when to hire one and when not to hire one, here are the top three times when you might actually be wasting your money by seeking out public adjuster services:
Your property was damaged due to a mistake you or someone else made.
Typically, public adjusters only work with people whose homes were damaged by flood damage, fire damage and other effects of natural disasters. Because insurance companies have a tendency to not fully reimburse the amounts of flood and fire damage claims, a public adjuster’s help is needed in these cases. However, if you are the cause of your property’s damage, neither a public adjuster nor your insurance provider will be able to help you — you’ll probably have to pay for the repairs yourself.
Your insurance company says it will honor the full amount of your claim.
Public adjusters work with clients whose insurance companies have cancelled their coverage, raised their insurance rates or refused to consider an insurance claim. If your insurance company will pay you the full amount of money you’re seeking in your claim, there’s no reason for you to hire a public adjuster — there’s nothing more he or she would be able to do for you.
Your car was damaged, but your home was not
Damage done to your car by a natural disaster is not covered by your homeowner’s insurance — it’s covered by your auto insurance policy, even if the damage is the result of a natural disaster. Because auto insurance claims are much easier to successfully file than homeowner’s insurance claims, a public adjuster’s services aren’t needed.
Want to know more about the best times to hire a public adjuster for your insurance claims? Ask us anything about public adjuster services by leaving a comment below.