All homes have rooms in them, and all rooms in a house have certain furniture in them for comfort, leisure, and practical use alike. Living room furniture, for example, might be different from dining room furniture, and a bedroom will have different pieces of furniture in it as well. But still, there are some common threads across a home’s furniture, such as visual theme or sitting surfaces. Most rooms will have somewhere to sit or lay down, and living room furniture may have many sitting surfaces. Couches, recliners, armchairs, and more might be found in the living room, for example. And accessories for the home can help round out a room’s look, such as an area rug or boutique home lighting for festive flair. Furniture is more than something to sit on; good living room furniture can totally reinvent a room and make it stylish and comfortable. This can include the dining room or bedroom, or even the basement lounge. A lot of living room furniture can also work well in a basement lounge, if one exists.
On Furniture
American living room furniture is part of the larger trend of furniture purchases today. This is a huge industry, which is only natural since every home needs furniture and many Americans care about what their home’s interior looks like. Sometimes, furniture may be seen as more appealing if it is made from eco-friendly or recycled materials. There is increasing awareness of just how full landfills are getting, and many Americans are choosing to do their part by buying more eco-conscious furniture. A 2015 survey done by Furniture Today found that some 70% of consumers are completely willing to spend more money on furniture that contains eco-friendly materials. Most customers are willing to pay as much as an additional 20% for sustainable furniture. Another popular trend is for vintage style furniture, pieces that have a classic look of a bygone time. Furniture Today conducted a survey and found that 57% of respondents had a clear preference for vintage pieces, from bookshelves to tables to chairs and couches.
What does all this add up to? The American furniture market is certainly a big one. As of 2015, total sales of furniture and other furnishings added up to an impressive $106.78 billion in sales. In fact, furniture ranks as the third most expensive sort of item people buy, behind only cars and houses. It has also been noted that more and more furniture is being bought online, as part of the e-commerce trend. Experts have predicted that furniture and home furnishing sales together may account for 13.6% of all e-commerce in the year 2021. And often, Americans have an express preference for furniture made natively in the United States, believing that American furniture is of the highest quality. Around 59% of American customers responded in a survey that they would spend more money on American-made furniture, and many would spend up to 20% more on it. At any rate, how can someone reinvent their house with furniture, and why?
Home Furniture Ideas
The style, quantity, and purpose of furniture pieces in a home may vary widely based on the number of occupants and their taste. Some items tend to be universal, however. Couches are a staple for living rooms, and they can have either fabric or leather upholstery on them. Leather costs a bit more, but leather actually gets stronger with age and is often attractive and surprisingly easy to care for. Some couches may also have extra features, such as the capacity to unfold and form a full-size bed for someone to sleep on. This may prove popular in college dorms, where space is limited, or in a house that does not have a dedicated guest bedroom.
A room’s furniture may also change based on shifting needs of the homeowners. When a baby is due, a room can be set up as the nursery, and baby-friendly furniture such as a crib and drawer unit can be set up. Or, when an adult child moves out of the house, their old bedroom can be converted into a new room entirely. This old room may become a hobby room for making music, art, or crafts of all sorts. This is possible through changing furniture.