If you’re thinking about giving your landscaping a boost as warm weather approaches, consider visiting garden nurseries around your area for ideas and to see what kind of plants you’re attracted to. If you’re an old hat at landscaping, you may already know what kind of blooming beauties you’re looking for and make visits annually to various garden nurseries to pick out the perfect plants. Around 75% of all households in the United States (that’s almost 90 million households!) did some kind of DIY lawn and gardening activity last year, both indoors and outdoors. It’s a good hobby, considering that spending even just 5% of your home’s value on landscaping can net you a hefty return on investment — as much as 150%! Almost 90% of real estate agents will encourage you to put some time and money into landscape design before you sell your house. Even if you’re thinking of selling, having good landscape design can make your home more attractive and can provide a wonderful hobby.
What are the Benefits of Spending Time In Your Yard?
Interestingly, the National Association of Landscape Professionals did a survey by Harris Poll among over 2,000 adults in the U.S. that showed that 75% of Americans think it’s important to spend time in their yards. Part of this may have to do with keeping your yard looking nice. About 90% of Americans think it’s important to keep your yard well-maintained and feel that the state of your yard says something about your personality or character.
A well-kept yard will always turn heads for a second glance and can add curb appeal to the neighborhood — which in turn, can boost prices in the neighborhood, benefitting everyone. You’ll get to take pride in the way your yard looks if you spend time taking care of it.
Furthermore, being outdoors in the fresh air and under the sun can be excellent for your health. Many people have Vitamin D deficiencies, from not enough time spent outside. Being out in nature can help improve your sense of contentment and well-being, and may even help bring you some peace. Though gardening and landscaping is hard work, it also brings with it a sense of satisfaction and relaxation. You can look at your handiwork at the end and know it was the product of your sweat and labor!
What Should I Look For In Garden Nurseries?
Generally, when adding plants to yards, over 90% of homeowners will choose plants that are native to the area. Those tend to be grow better in that specific climate, meaning they’ll last longer and may be more resistant to insects, wildlife, or plant diseases. Native plants also add a bit of charm and show your pride in the area you live.
A staff member who works at the garden nurseries you visit will be able to point you towards flowers or plants that will work well in your soil, the level of sun that patch receives, and for the climate. If you’re picking up plants, you’ll probably also want to pick up potting soil and mulch for happy, healthy plants.
Look at the leaves of the plants, not the flowers. Typically, plants that are all abloom will have less sturdy root systems, as all their energy is flowing towards producing the flowers. Be sure to look at the plants closely — you don’t want any critters coming home with you, and a good, hard look can also often weasel out any signs of fungal or bacterial diseases that could spread to your other plants.
What If I Don’t Have a Green Thumb?
If you want a nice yard and a good landscape design, but don’t have the vision or the eye for it yourself, call up a landscape designer and company. They’ll map out the perfect yard for you and put it into motion. You’ll get final say, of course, but you’re sure to be delighted with their choices and their work.
Don’t hesitate to spruce up your yard this spring and summer with a new and improved landscape design. Wandering around garden nurseries may provide fresh inspiration, a bold new color scheme, and plenty of time with your hands in the dirt.