Sleep Solutions What You Need to Know to Improve Your Sleep

Adjustable double beds

Yo may not realize it, but your sleep position can have a significant impact on your health. While sleeping on your back, for example, might be the best option for your spine and neck, it also means you are more likely to snore and more worryingly to develop sleep apnea, a sleep disorder in which you stop breathing intermittently during the sleep cycle. Sleeping in the fetal position, on the other hand, can also restrict you breathing and of course, put strain on your back and neck. Get a good night’s sleep, then, is not just a matter of resting up for the day ahead, it is also a health issue

Your sleep position is not the only important aspect of your sleep health. Getting enough sleep is a growing problem. While individual variations do exist, most adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a night, according to the National Sleep Foundation, and those that sleep less than 7 hours a night run the risk of unintentionally falling asleep during the day at least once per month. Despite the need for adequate sleep, between 50 and 70 million American adults report chronic sleep and wakefulness disorders, according to the CDC, and a CDC study of nearly 75,000 adults found that more than a quarter (35%) slept for fewer than 7 hours per night on average.

The right kind of mattress can make all the difference to the sleep experience. Adjustable mattresses and therapeutic beds that offer heating and cooling options can cut down on back and neck issues, ensure optimum sleep position and reduce leg cramps and other night ailments. Considering that more than 85% of One Poll Survey respondents indicated that they awake in the middle of the night because of a temperature-related issue — such as the bedroom being too cold or too hots or needing to adjust their sheets or bed clothes for better temperature experience, ensuring that the heating and cooling of the bedroom is optimum is imperative. More than 90% of people say that they either always or sometimes awake in the night, according to the 2015 One Poll study.

Adjustable matters can also reduce snoring, a common problem which impacts as many as 90 million Americans, 37 million of them on a regular basis. Given that we spend approximately 3,000 hours lying on a mattress per year and that a good one can last between 9 and 10 years, investing a solid and suitable mattress makes financial as well as health sense.

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