More than half of Americans don’t sleep well during the workweek. Studies report that an estimated 62% of adults in the United States have issues getting enough rest at least two or three nights every week. And worse yet, a reported 30% are currently battling insomnia.
But why?
Doctors might point to a lack of exercise or poor dietary habits in your lifestyle. Scientists might tell you to quit using your smartphone so compulsively while you’re trying to fall asleep. Cosmic shamans might suggest an imbalance in the proclean levels inside your mind’s inner chamber. But the answer could actually be the thing resting right below you every single night — your mattress.
Contrary to popular belief, the most comfortable mattress isn’t always the one that’s most conducive to a good night’s sleep. In fact, the more “comfortable” a mattress is, the less likely it is to have the rigidness you need to support your spine. However, our spines are actually S-shaped, meaning the best mattresses for back pain are likely somewhere in the middle of extremely soft and properly stiff.
We’ve put together a quick list of things to keep in mind when you’re looking for the right beds and mattresses for getting better rest free of back pain, restlessness and other contributing factors of insomnia. For starters…
1. Lie on as many different beds and mattresses as you can.
Doctors say it, scientists say it and even sales workers say it — the best sleeping conditions always come down to personal preference. For some, the flexibility of adjustable beds is key, while other rely on the soft, airy feel of a Tempur-Pedic. You’ll often get the best spinal support from the mattress that best conforms to the natural contours of your body.
2. Know what makes up the contents of your mattress.
Springs, coils and feathers all comprise some of the most popular mattresses. What’s really important, though, is mattress depth, and it’s always important to find the right depth for your sleeping habits (and positions). Home furniture designs and styles should take a backseat to feel when it comes to mattresses. Comfortable sleeper sofas are great in a pinch, but they shouldn’t be used as permanent replacements for beds and mattresses.
3. Understand when it’s time to chuck your mattress to the curb.
Though it might be more economical to continue suffering on a worn-out old ratty mattress, it’s not going to be the best choice for your back. And back pain leads to sleep issues, as we discussed before. Don’t put yourself through the torment of sleeping on surfaces that don’t do your back any good. Always keep an eye on when it’s time for a replacement.
Of course, this is just a brief list to get you stared. Trust us — when you find the right mattress, you’ll know it the moment you lay your head down for some shut-eye. See this link for more.