Do you feel happy with your home? When you come back after a long shift or busy study session do you feel ready to kick up your feet and relax? If you’ve answered ‘no’ to either of these questions, it may just be time to reconsider your furniture. That’s not to say a new coat of paint or upgraded flooring installation couldn’t cure what ails you, but furniture is how we define ourselves. It’s a physical expression of our culture, our interests and our personal growth. There’s nothing quite like replacing a desk that just doesn’t jive with the rest of your set-up or adding a few new chairs to your dining room. Let’s talk furniture.
Did You Know?
You’re not the only one feeling less than pleased about your set-up. Did you know that only one out of five American adults feel happy about their home decor? That’s a pretty paltry number considering how many good resources are out there just waiting to be bought! Another 14% of Americans in a recent furniture survey said their home furnishings actively make them feel gloomy and stressed out. Your home should make you feel satisfied and secure, not downtrodden and despondent. A modern pendant lamp or new dining set can clear that right up.
Sofas And Chairs
There’s little better than collapsing into a soft, squishy sofa at the end of a tiring day. Thinking of adding one to your set-up? Sofas have a lifespan of around seven to 10 years, though some can even last 15 if you take good care of them. How so? Leather sofas can have their signature sheen enhanced with regular wipe-down sessions. Likewise, keeping them out of direct sunlight will prevent nasty wrinkles and crinkles from making themselves clear. A recent Houzz decorating survey saw three-quarters of respondents saying they use their dining room weekly. How can you make it so you want to be in your home more often than not?
Design And Placement
It’s not merely the type of furniture you choose. It’s how you arrange it throughout your home. The human eye naturally craves a good composition, from paintings to music, and nowhere is that more clear than the art of interior design. The rule of threes is a very commonly applied home interior design technique and one you should consider when seeking out rustic modern furniture or industrial modern furniture. Odd numbers of objects are more pleasing than even numbers, breaking up the viewer’s gaze and making a room feel more natural.
Color And Themes
Not sure what kind of color or themes you should approach? It’s best to keep it simple. Two to three colors is considered more than enough for most styles, as anything more or less would look either underwhelming or entirely too busy. Rustic furniture is incredibly popular for its timeless feel, ideal for those who want to feel relaxed or classic. Meanwhile, modern furniture can promote a very clean and organized atmosphere for those on the more trendy side.
Creating A Beautiful Home That Represents You
When only 2% of respondents to a Houzz survey said they feel they’ve achieved the ultimate look for their home, it’s time to ask some questions. What do you want to get out of your home? What’s missing in your furniture, placement or color theory? Rather than viewing this as homework, turn this into an opportunity to truly have fun and express yourself. Nearly half of all Americans haven’t updated their home decor in the last five years. Thinking of a little shopping endeavor? Valentine’s Day and Memorial Day are both the most popular times for furniture sales. It’s time to get out there and make your home something truly special.